Overwhelmed. Overweight. Overworked. OVER IT.

Overwhelmed. Overweight. Overworked. OVER IT.


Overwhelmed. Overweight. Overworked. OVER IT. 

These sound familiar, don't they? It seems like it should be such an easy thing, to make a change. To reorder our obligations to meet our needs, whether it's in our jobs or at home. To quit a job. To start losing those lbs. To have time for yourself without the accompanying guilt. 

Why is it then, when it's so obvious what we have to change, we just can't seem to do it? How are these loops we get stuck in so painful, yet so comfortable...so heartbreaking, yet so reliable?

It can be a daunting task, change. The risk, immeasurable. And when motivation is shaky at best, something that logically seems small can look like a mountain as we approach it. Which leads to frustration. And defeat. And thus, we re-enter the loops. Many times we know what we have to do, which seems to make it worse.

Sometimes, it takes us getting so uncomfortable that we can't stand it any longer. The pain trumps the fear and the comfort in what's familiar, and suddenly, we have a jolt of motivation we can ride. But those energy surges often don't last long, and if you miss your window, it fades out quickly.

 A more sustainable and effective method exists in approaching those changes we crave and need. To start down that road, we have to hear your voice.

SPEAK UP! Start talking about the changes you wish to see. Tell any lingering shame inside to f* off because nobody's got time for that. Life is too short to accept less than what you need, and the hesitation isn't doing you any favors. 

Reach out to trusted friends. Tell them what you aim to do, your goals. Ask for strategies. Ask for workout partners. Ask for suggestions. Tell friends in your community that you are looking for a new job. Hell, tell strangers you're looking for a new job! Most of the time, people love to help. The act awards us a satisfying sense of purpose. Drum up your own energy to plunge into the shift. Ideas need air, support, and a healthy dose of confidence to turn them into action. So to start, let's hear it!

So many of us are currently in the simmering fear + resistance phase of approaching necessary change, and that's alright. We've all been there, and return often. So reach out to your people (I'm one of them) to discuss what's in your head. I promise, using your voice has the power to deflate those fearful feelings. If we let things simmer inside too long, once we finally say them out loud, it can be shocking how small they are when out in the world. I've learned time and time again, the pain of holding thoughts inside is completely avoidable. And you have no idea what beautiful adventures can arise when you allow your thoughts some much needed air time. 

What support do you need to tackle essential change? How can you make your life exactly what you want and need? Let's talk about it. Email me to start the conversation: emily@ek.coach.

Thanks for reading! 


360 Degree Health, Part 1: MATH.

360 Degree Health, Part 1: MATH.

Parts Inside You'd Rather Hide (The Power of Shame, and How to Beat It)

Parts Inside You'd Rather Hide (The Power of Shame, and How to Beat It)